News — Anemometer
Hot Wire versus Vane Anemometers

Anemometers measure air velocity. There are two basic types for different applications: Thermoelectric ("Hot Wire") Anemometers Heat a wire to a specified temperature and then measure the rate of cooling. This rate is proportional to air speed. Thermoelectric measurement provides fast response times and excellent sensitivity to very low air flows of <1 m/s, but these probes are also the most delicate of the two types and are not suitable for environments which are dusty, humid, corrosive or where there are rapid fluctuations in the ambient temperature, all of which effect the rate of cooling. These anemometers cover ranges of...
Four Cups? Not With Our Anemometers

An anemometer is a device used for measuring wind speed. The term is derived from the Greek word anemos, meaning wind, and is used to describe any air speed measurement instrument used in meteorology or aerodynamics. The first known description of an anemometer was given by Leon Battista Alberti around 1450. The simplest form in common use is the cup anemometer, which catches the wind with rotating cups, usually four. Cup anemometers are still used for wind, power performance evaluations and site calibrations. An anemometer is also a common instrument used in HVAC. Specifically for indoor air quality and HVAC / R technicians measuring Heat / Ventilation...