Recertification - Light Meter - Visible | Sper Scientific Direct

Sper Scientific


Recertification - Light Meter - Visible

Preço normal $75.00 Preço unitário por

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There is an increasing requirement by customers for documentation supporting manufacturer's claims of accuracy on their scientific equipment.

This is partially due to the increasing acceptance of quality standards, such as ISO 9000* and GMP**, which require that periodic certification of test equipment be performed and documented.

At Sper Scientific we believe this trend is highly justified. To help, we have instituted this program of certification. Most testing is done in-house with our own state-of-the-art equipment. Whenever possible and practical, we use N.I.S.T. traceable equipment and N.I.S.T. procedures.

Sper Certified Product

* ISO 9002 1987 (E) Section 4.10
** FDA Good Manufacturing Practices Section 820.61

Complete Documentation

Each certified product comes with:
  • Serial Number
  • Certification Label
  • Certification Report Traceable to N.I.S.T.
    (Specifies that the standards against which the product has been calibrated were themselves calibrated by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (N.I.S.T.), or with N.I.S.T. certified equipment under conditions specified by N.I.S.T.)

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